Guidos animated fist pumping

1/19/09 */ ?>



“i am a huge fan of your site
this is a picture of my brother and his little guido freinds
hopefully youll enjoy and see how the “guido” thing is not only for the old guys who live at home with thier mothers, but sadly for the youth of america.

thanks alot.”

You know what they say, little brothers always learn from their big brothers.  hahaha.  Think you can match up with your little brother?  The fist pumping community is calling you out!

1/11/09 */ ?>



This week’s guido of the week is paying respect to the most badass guido of all, a soldier of the U.S. Army heading back for a second tour in Iraq.  Congrats Mike, you crazy Guid you.  Keep pumping your fists worldwide, be safe, and keep us safe so we can dance around in tight shirts forever!

You can thank your homey Kayle. “it would really make him happy because Guidos love to see their pictures on websites.”

1/11/09 -Guidette */ ?>

1/11/09 -Guidette


“Kissy faces, identical makeup, iridescent lipstick on one and lipliner that’s five shades too dark on the other and all of this…in a bathroom…how much more stereotypically Jersey could it get? I’m from Northern NJ where the concentration of these girls seems to be highest; I love being a Jersey girl, but in the Bruce Springsteen sense…not the awful connotation it’s turned into….oh I hope this guido/guidette madness ends soon!!!”

Ah hmm….excuse me…ends soon?  Don’t you mean takes over?  My friends…it’s a new year.  We’re only getting more emails and more hits, its spreading!

1st post of the year */ ?>

1st post of the year

I call this post, guido fist pumping…in the future! So this is uber weird, but someone sent us the email so we gotz to share it with you.

“As you may or may not know, Playstation has a new online community called HOME. Its kinda like Second Life. Just wanted to let you know that is being represented virtually as well! Much like real life, you can tell that HOME is a big sausagefest.”


12/28/08 */ ?>


An amazing double winner!  Our tuxuido wearing guido on the right and our well enhanced jersey lovely on the left.  A winning couple!  To our buddy Joey who sent it in, you are right, it does deserve to be on the front page.  congrats.  Happy New Year, get wild!

12/21/08 */ ?>



It is an unknown but very true fact Guido’s from New Jersey and Long Island have infiltrated Rhode Island, particularly University of Rhode Island. Instead of just hanging out in small circles, they infiltrate entire fraternities.

Tan? check
Thinking he’s the hottest shit in the room? check
People nervous to take pictures with him? check

That’s guido enough for me!!

Here’s your holiday card everybody.  Enjoy!

The Islands */ ?>

The Islands


Awesome Video!  Thanks for sending it in.  Hope you guys make more of these.  hilarious!

12/14/08 */ ?>


Thanks to our buddy Joe for sending in this pic.  And props to Scott Mclane for taking this picture.  I can only imagine how the setup went.  

Scott: “Hey bros, can a take a sweet picture of you guys”

Guy in the middle: (flips him the bird)

Scott” Um…thanks guys…that was…um…great”

even more ridiculous hilarious videos */ ?>

even more ridiculous hilarious videos

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.

College Humor comes through with the goods! This is hilarious. You should definitely watch this.

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

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Funny and well made music video. Worth watching.

Funny comedian pickin on a guido at his show. check it out.

Thanks to Jenn for this amazing nugget of Guido Gold. Enjoy, and check back often for more hilarious videos.


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The best pool party you never went too.

A little one on one with a Guido Champion

Watch out for the cameramans blowout at the end.

The adventures of Guidos out on the high seas (cruiseship disco)

"Yes yes thats my cousin… (sigh) the Myksta"

Thanks for the awesome video!


videos */ ?>


The Mating Rituals of Guidos at the Jersey Shore

GET…PUMPED…UP…Hilarious, just getting excited right?

Props to Mike for showcasing his boy Nicky’s hot moves in this weeks newest video.

Amazing job, and you’re friend watching is pumpin it with the best of em.

Guidettes just wanna have fun.


Okay, we don’t know what Beatstock is, but we have no doubt hilarity ensues

Cmon..we know you’re jealous.

Textbook guidette performance.

L-Guidomine, just what the doctor ordered.

Is your new hair cut this fly?

Our newest video needs the commentary. Read while you watch please.

Comment 1."Nice hair cut who did it
Helen Keller is she your dentist also,
maybe she picks your clothes out.
One Word GUIDOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Comment 2."this is embarassing for italians, this kid is a complete douche bag, and younger girls buy into this gay bullshit and these kids think they are the shit. this kid is a fuckin queer, and he is prolly like half italian and is puttin on a big front"

Comment 3.:wow what an embarassment to italians everywhere…..plz do humanity a favor, find the nearest cliff and jump"