10/25/09 -Guidette
*/ ?>10/25/09 -Guidette
Just got a tongue ring in there and you’ll be 100% complete. Halloween IS coming up you know. Think about it. Thanks for the pic. Can’t disappoint a jersey girl.
Just got a tongue ring in there and you’ll be 100% complete. Halloween IS coming up you know. Think about it. Thanks for the pic. Can’t disappoint a jersey girl.
douchey? nearly nipple hottie? Ya’ll make your own comments about this one. I’m gonna let the picture speak a thousand words.
10 4, guido alert! We have a winner for the week. 3 solid contenders, can’t pick a winner. Plus a top notch guidette getting ready to pump that fist up. No shit talking for me.
An entry from Florida huh? Damn, we’ll take it. Keeping it real for sure. I like bud light…I like those shades, why not let a Floridian hot chick win?
We try not to let too much crap slip onto the site, but this is one of those pics that gets sent in where I think “man, I think this is fake, but very very easily real.” It’s like a sports game, I decided to put it up here and the evidence is inconclusive to pull it down. So congrats. Winners. Be glorious ye ol chick with douche.
PUMP PUMP PUMP! Love it! Thanks for this pic. Will you take my girl shopping with you? Man, best back to school outfit of all time.
Back center, you ready to go from zero to hero? Call me.
A double whammy winner, classic guido and guidette action.
Good things come in pairs apparently.
“Here’s a pick of my Hackensack-guido friends at a bowling ally in
South Carolina. I call it ‘The Mini Guinies.’ You could say they stand
out in a crowd… at least around here.”
The South is really coming out of it’s shell lately. Weeze be taking over dat shiz
That’s the sexiest zebra I ever darn saw. She doesn’t look that interested in homeboy though, kind of looking away….my way. booya!
Another week where I just really don’t need to say anything. Check out this email I got.
Hii mR. GUiiD0! :o) N0w, let mii teLl yU; Th@t I –>> MiiSs JaCqueline Jaii* <– am the DEFiNiTi0N of a J3RS3Y GiiRL! i OnLy d8 GuiiD0s &* i aM 1 tAn && tRue b*tch !! My J3rs3y fRiiENds && mii L0VE yUr S1TE!! iT GiV3s us sUm of tha -REC0GNiTi0N- th@t We DESzERVE!~ Sum pPL h@v @lreadi seNt iiN Sum ov mi piXx, buht ! yU n3vr put um UHPP!! :'( nD uR q0nna mayke mi streak mi mak3up! :'( i D0Nt get How theese 0thur girls win 0vr me? whAteva th0… yU kan maKe it uP 2 m3 :o) iLL s3nd u L0TZ 0f piXx of mi & mi FRiENDZ aLl tha TiMe :o) L0v u! R3sp3ct J3rz3y !! xx
x0o PRiNCESsA GUid3TTe
((senDin yu a pik of mi showin my guido pryde!))
Believe me, I don’t have time to make this up.